Pitbull Attacks Grandma For No Reason

So lets get this out of the way since this is already turning into an anti-"pit bull" circlejerk. Pitbulls need to be well socialized and trained because, as large dogs, they can be dangerous. They are typically very good with people, but can be dog aggressive due to their breeding. However, this does not mean they are killing machines despite what the media has told you. It is interesting that reddit so often rails against the "lamestream media" for it's lack of in-depth research and lust for controversial click-bait headlines, but in this instance laps up the anti-pit narrative with a ladle.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

Do your research before you start spreading nonsense around simply because "it feels right" or fits your preconceived notions. These dogs are strong, high energy animals and should be owned and treated appropriately.

/r/videos Thread Link - youtube.com