The pitch from Mitch comes in at $500B

I really think the Senate R's are miscalculating here by a wide margin. Virtually no serious economist finds this skinny bill appropriate to address the scale of economic aid the country needs, both for businesses and individuals. Health cost estimates also far exceed McConnell's figures. Economists are also pretty unanimous in the belief that the time to worry about deficits is not during a clear crisis.

Additionally, more relief is overwhelmingly popular with the public. Even hardcore R blocs are getting hammered with economic uncertainty right now.

Mitch is obviously trying to "blame it all on the Democrats," but that is totally at odds with reality. The House has passed two bills that he refuses to put on the floor. Senate R's are completely absent from negotiations, just like they were when Pelosi/Mnuchin hammered out the CARES Act. Mitch played his "wait and see" card for 6 weeks after the House passed the $3T bill in May, and then found his party in total disarray when he tried to come up with a counter-offer in late July.

Of course, they wouldn't be doing this if they didn't think it gives them a legitimate political advantage. They have smart people working for them, and clearly believe this is a winning strategy. However, I just don't see how he realistically expects people to believe his gambit. Some "low-information" voters might buy his spin, but those people are likely to vote R anyway.

I am incredibly skeptical that this will work. I think people will simply view it as a stingy, out-of-touch party unwilling to step up in a time of clear crisis. Combined with Trump's spectacular failure of a presidency and campaign, and R's priority of a judge over helping Americans, R's may very well find themselves on the outside looking in for the next decade.

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