Pitchfork Review: Assume Form by James Blake (5.8)

This is the same website that gave Kate Bush a lower score than Everything Is Love by the Carters. The same website that thinks The Sweet Escape deserves a higher score than LAMB. The same website that will give you a lower rating if you have some pretentious artwork as a cover art instead of using your face.. I've said it since 2004, change your name to Bitchfork... bitter music critics with shortbread biscuits stains on their collars typing away reviews on their laptops treating each musical piece as an assignment before going onto the next assigned review. That's no fun.... Reviews are being bought left and right .... and our boy James Blake didn't bite so he'll get a five point something.

I'm fuming over here like you wouldn't even imagine. #BloodMoonPTSD

/r/popheads Thread Link - pitchfork.com