The Pittsburgh synagogue shooter referenced the "migrant caravan" and claimed it was part of a Jewish plot. Does Trump share any blame for this?

Maybe this isn't my place to step in since I'm no fan of Trump's, but I think this is a pretty pointless direction to take. There's a lot going on here, but essentially I think it boils down to "Stop blaming Trump for literally everything".

Trump is the symptom of an ideology, not the source. He picks up and runs with rhetoric that is not necessarily his own, because he wants to energize his base. This is not meant to be taken as a negative, I've heard many supporters say as much. This is why many like him, because he's willing to incorporate views that he maybe doesn't personally have and will do what it takes to win.

Do you really think the guy that shit-talked Trump and called him a globalist was influenced by him? Do you think maybe the jewish conspiracy anti-semitism stuff existed outside of Trump and continues to do so under a life of it's own? I follow a lot of communities like this, and its really common to see them refer to Israel-supporting Republicans as "cuckservatives", or to denigrated The_Donald for upvoting pics of Kanye or some other black guy wearing a MAGA hat.

I don't know, there's so much going on right now, but turning it all directly to Trump just seems entirely unproductive for everyone.

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