Pizzagator shares some fresh CP (copypasta) with the Podestashills of r/drama

This electi n season yielded my fave:

Don't worry. My President Donald Trump has far more firepower at his disposal than he realizes. I am a proud member of a local militia here in the blue state of Massachusetts. We are 40 strong, with 12 ex-military and 1 ex-navy seal. ( 7 with combat experience, the seal has extensive combat experience and is our leader and teacher ) We formed almost 5 years ago and we practice every week for 16 hours on the weekends. We are properly equipped and are highly trained, and 100% loyal to President Trump. There is an entire network of like minded groups in the northeast that have had detailed and consistent communication and plans regarding any situation that threatens the country - foreign or domestic. We may be citizen soldiers but the SEAL has turned us into true warriors. When we first started many of us were out of shape and lethargic. Many were gamers in poor health. Three are mothers concerned about the future of their kids and country. Our military members taught us how to eat right, work out properly, think on our toes, and have trained us in numerous weapon systems, tactics, first aid, etc. Trained in every season the northeast gives us. They also are in constant contact with their military buddies and President Trump has nearly universal support. They covertly tell them that if forced to choose, they would back President Trump with any force required. If the liberals try to do anything, we will be ready. All of us will. I think people will be VERY shocked at what comes out of the backwoods in our more rural counties in this country. The gun ranges are placed there for a reason after all. :-) Our patriot group is within 15 min of 5 substations, and 3 national guard armories. We know which police departments are against us, for us, or on the fence. The left and many people make the incorrect assumption that militias are made up of "hicks" and are unprofessional. They will be in for quite a shock if they try to steal the office. Everyone here is on our highest alert we have that is in peacetime. We thought Hillary was going to steal the election and we were all geared up and ready to go. But Trump won rightfully so and we stood down. We now fear that they will fabricate bullshit to try to force a new election. Listen carefully, Democrats. If you try this, it will be the biggest mistake you have ever made. We are DEAD serious about obeying the founding fathers commands to take up arms and purge a corrupt government. Let it go. Focus on 4 years from now. If you push this, what happens will be completely on your hands. You reap what you sow.

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