[Plan] Friday 21 July 2017; please post your plans for this date.

09.30 - 11.30: lab

if lab ended, then get breakfast and find a spot to work on aw

12.00 - 15.00: aw

if aw ended, then immediately omw (during rides/waits read up on ba's ic & ws)

16.00 ~ 16.30: cycle

if cycle ended, then immediately omw (during it continue reading & taking notes)

~18.00: if already home, then prepare dinner & do chores

if finished with dinner and chores, then shower and other bathroom things

~19.00: if done with hygiene, then work on ws immediately

if an hour passes break, then meditate, get some fresh air, make tea

~ 20.15: if fifteen minutes break end, then continue ws

if an hour passes break, then do whatever you feel like doing for 15 minutes break

~ 21.30: if not finished with ws, then continue. if finished, then sign up on genes and work on ba's ic

if an hour passes break, then do whatever you feel like doing for 15 minutes break

~ 22.45: if not finished with ba, then continue. if finished, then work on cu.

if an hour passes break, then do whatever you feel like doing for 15 minutes break

~ 24.00: if not finished with ba, then continue. if finished, then work on cu.

if an hour passes break, then prepare to sleep.

~01.30: sleep

/r/getdisciplined Thread