Planet Fitness drops member after gender identity complaint: "Not knowing why the man was in the women's locker room, she immediately complained to the front desk. 'They told me that he was allowed in there because that's the sex he wants to be'"

You keep ignoring the data that doesn't fit your conclusions, and those conclusions keep getting more silly. At least you're shaving a few decimals off your ridiculous percentages?

Ambiguous genital formation isn't the only thing that causes hiccups for that model. Someone with perfectly standard genitals that don't match their chromosomes does as well.

This whole thread started with someone freaking out over a trans woman she thought was a man in the women's changing room, and you want to send a trans man into there.'d maximize the freakout on her part I guess?

Men use the men's room, women use the women's room, everyone else figures things out and picks one (or ideally we build single stall facilities). Much easier.

As for what I was talking about

"Patients: A 46,XY mother who developed as a normal woman underwent spontaneous puberty, reached menarche, menstruated regularly, experienced two unassisted pregnancies, and gave birth to a 46,XY daughter with complete gonadal dysgenesis."

By all means, tell her she has to use the men's room. Have fun.

Not actually the case I was thinking of, but the first one that popped up on Google.

Here's a hint. If you're getting signs that your model doesn't work in certain situations, that's a cue to improve your model, not ignore the outlying situations.

All you're proposing to do is A. make it impossible to use a bathroom without a blood test, B. throw a bunch of trans people into bathrooms where they and everyone around them will be uncomfortable, all to C. maybe slightly reduce the incidents of cases like the OP.

So you're making the situation much, much worse in order to try and fix it. Well done!

"Anyone outside of these are the rare exception and belong to neither sex. You can't just assign someone a sex because you feel like it. In fact, pigeon-holing people into a sex when they don't identify with either seems kind of bigoted to me."

"These people belong to neither sex" is disregarding what most people identify with, but thanks for the projection. I work with what people tell me. You work with information that most people don't even have. I like my plan better.

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