Plates and dates

man last night i met a new woman and it hadnt been 2 hours before she texted me asking "do you want to come sleep at my place tonight".. i didnt answer, and she followed up with "or not? ....".. i didnt respond to that either, and she followed THAT up with "you can say no but at least text me back lol".

its either sexual or its not. set the right frame from the start, and you dont even have to bother with dates. in my opinion, taking women on dates actually sets you back a bit. dates come later, once she has demonstrated that she understands whats happening and thereby actually deserves your attention to some degree

hopefully this helps. its all about how you are looking at it. the real answer to your question "how many dates do you hang out with a girl if she doesnt want to fuck you" is zero. why on earth

/r/asktrp Thread