I have played dozens of competitive games over dozens of genres (not just video-games) and I have learned many things about people who play competitive games

Read into it more though. If you go about with the mentality that [X] is weak and you want the game to change to make it better, that's only a small part of where you should be thinking.

If you want to improve, think of ways you as a player are weak. In that sense, one of my true flaws is that I rely too heavily on my sniper in clutch Xv1s. Whereas I should focus on really getting my 3-taps off and using angles to recover or the devour tree I play (which literally has a built in regen). I am telling you what is weak in my mind.

Part of what could alleviate this weakness too is that I could focus more on saving my grenade to proc devour at critical moments.

Sure, there are weak things in game, but if you really want to talk about what needs changed, you need to think about what the game would look like if those weak guns were given massive boosts without fundamental reworks. But more importantly, yourself.

I have lots of opinions on ways to make weaker guns more viable, but this is not that thread. I will likely make that thread eventually.

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