Player vs. Player Poll: Solo/Duo Queue

"I’m really glad we’re talking about this poll before it goes live so we have an opportunity to talk through things together. Folks have been asking for us to bring back solo/duo queue since it was removed some years ago. There is a perception that matches are skewed due to the dynamic nature of the queue and the possibility that a team of 3+ can face solos or duos. Regardless of how often this actually occurs, it is somewhat true that q’ing as a premade will allow you to climb in leagues more quickly than those who are solo/duo, especially in higher tiers. Solo/duo only would ensure that advantage is no longer possible and make leagues more competitive across the board. The first poll will ask “do you want to trial solo/duo queue in season 5?” and will require a majority vote. If that passes, the second poll will ask, “Do you want to make solo/duo queue a permanent feature?” and will require a supermajority (75%). ""In the scenario that Season 5 as solo/duo goes well and the community decides to keep it long-term, the PvP team will look at ways to accommodate competitive team-based play"". That said, solo/duo queue is a small part of the overhaul we’re doing for leagues – there will be other improvements to matchmaking, how we measure and display skill, and how you earn rewards. Personally, I think solo/duo queue would be pretty fun, and I think it’s worth giving it a shot. Worst case scenario, you can always vote “no” in the follow-up poll and things will go back to the way they are now. -Josh aka Grouch (edited Yesterday, 14:11 by Josh Davis.6015)"

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