A player's one-shot has accidentally hijacked my campaign and I don't know how to get it back

Perhaps you're right and I'm just being an ass.

I worry that we won't actually get to get back to the campaign, though. We're all college students. Between finals week and Thanksgiving, we only have 2 more sessions to play until people are out for winter. School isn't back in session until late January.

So if Ryan's one-shot lasts for those next 2 sessions (and it's already guaranteed to last for 1) we won't reconvene for 2+months, making it 3 months since we played the mere 4 sessions of the campaign. It might actually die out

But maybe that's the whole point. And I should suck it up, grow up, and stop wishing Ryan would wrap up his one shot. The timing isn't his fault, after all

Lots to think about

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