Playing around hyper-aggressive friend?

Hey there, I noticed myself feeling in your position a lot when I was still getting used to playing MnK on PC (day 1 player but moved to pc from console around season 3, had never had any fps mnk experience before that) Played with my MnK experienced buddies and they just seemed to move and get to fights sooo much faster than me. I felt like I was always getting there a few crucial seconds too late whereas maybe if I was with them during the fight we could’ve won. It didn’t really bother any of us but I personally was curious if I could adapt to that play style or mentality. Nowadays I’d identify more with your teammate for sure as in I have the most fun when I’m fighting, whether we win or not. I’d say for me the biggest thing I did that got me to that point was looting priority. For example, my little brother (who I play with typically) and I are just so used to dropping somewhat hot, grabbing the first tao guns we find, and doing what we can. If we win the fight, we honestly just loot the deathboxes and immediately head to the next fight. We rarely loot a POI and instead sort of rely on just looting people we kill, if that makes sense. I agree with what you said though in that sometimes we aren’t the most well equipped during fights because of this. But majority of the time, if we run to a fight, we’re third partying, so there’s typically already a death box or a downed person you can thirst/loot for a quick shield swap. None of this is to say that your current playstyle is wrong or anything like that though:) We just have so much fun grabbing what we can and seeing if we survive, and then going from there lol. Obviously we will change loadouts or maybe loot where we landed super quick for guns we’re comfortable with. But other than that, we really just try to land close to where we see a few teams and just listen for shots. 99.9% of the time we die, but it’s been the best practice I’ve had in terms of just learning better fighting habits, like positioning, engaging/disengaging, etc. I also think this style of fast run and gun is possible on any legend tbh. We usually play wraith/lifeline and have matches all the time where we cover sooo much ground. Most importantly, play the way in which you are most having fun! If you need teammates that are okay with playing a lil more passively, that’s also totally fine my dude

/r/apexuniversity Thread