Playing Crucible solo with a high "ELO" is basically a form of masochism

Now. This doesn’t escape the fact that you are literally getting downvoted by everybody in this thread. I️ know Reddit isn’t the be all end all, but think about that.

Bro the only people in here are those offended at the idea of what I said, the first 3 posts were literally just making fun of the fact that I was critiquing crucible, the thread was DOA because of that.

I️ get you’re frustrated and that’s perfectly fine. But calling people scrubs and getting mad about something that NOONE has proven to actually exist makes you sound silly.

Did you read the part where I called them scrubs? The person initiated the conversation by ignoring my entire post and propositioning that the only thing that was wrong was that I was bad and when i refuted his bullshit we got into a dick measuring contest about stats which he clearly lost by measurement.

Take the criticism you have received, reevaluate, and then come back.

What criticism? There isn't anything here of value, i got people putting in 3 work response with emojis and other saying LOL CRUCIBLE BEING TAKEN SERIOUSLY. There is no value in those conversations, there is nothing to learn and grow from.

The other person got upset at the idea that my post was written as if it was a top player complaining about how the game matches teams even when I never said I was the top player. He went down a road of "git gud" spam and when I presented him with "git gud" credentials he got mad and devolved into insults.

Also, not a “kid”

Did I ever call you a kid? Can you find that for me?

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread Parent