Playing FFBE or the WOTV

I play both, and i would recommend ffbe over wotv. Wotv is just so... congested. You have paid visiore, free visiore, gil, friend coins, guild coins, pvp coins, duel coins, summon coins, job tokens, awakening materials, limit break memories, job points, bravery/faith, vision shards, esper ore, weapons armor and accessories, equipment ore, exp cubes, rank exp, royal rank exp... theres probably more that ive forgotten.

Royal rank gates your qol upgrades, and you only get meanigful gains from spending. Rank gates your stamina, and since you cant farm rank exp you will be stuck with a low stamina pool that forces you to play often. Awakening gates your equipment slots, level and job level, and there are type specific and universal currencies, the universal is unfarmable and rare. All other ugrades demand gil, and to farmed through individual methods. Im already sick of talking about how many walls exist in this game but there are more... would not recommend unless this is your youtube/twitch job.

/r/FFBraveExvius Thread