Please go back to being based

"I can't believe that racist white guy murdered that poor innocent black child by stalking and murdering him!"

-Trayvon wasn't a child, he was a teenager, aged 17, just shy of six feet tall

-George Zimmerman wasn't white, he was Latino

-Zimmerman was assigned to neighborhood watch for his neighborhood that day, and Trayvon was acting suspicious

-He didn't follow Trayvon around and then randomly shoot him, Trayvon attacked him, then smashed his skull against the pavement, so Zimmerman fired back in self defense

-Trayvon had just gotten through robbing a convenience store not even an hour earlier and the police were looking for him

-Some reports claimed the 911 operator told Zimmerman not to follow Trayvon, but that was a fabrication

There's even more not included here. The news media didn't cover a lot about that case, and it changed the political views of a lot of people in the aftermath, myself included. I used to at least listen to the media and assume they were telling 70% truth and 30% sensationalizing a headline. Now the stats have flipped to 20% truth, 80% sensationalism.

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