Please consider the person on the other end of your hate messages. They have feelings too.

I get hate mail every other day I go into the crucible, it has become normal for me. I get everything from "hand cannon scrub" to "hacker PoS, kill yourself". I've seen just about every single insult that could be thrown at someone, all because I just play the game. At first I tried fighting back, but came to realize all they are doing is trying to ruffle your feathers so you'll say something and get slapped with a comms ban. It's rather pathetic in my opinion. These days, I'll just reply with an lol or something short to show them I don't care. There's no sense in blowing a fuse over something that isn't even real. It's a game, you're supposed to have fun. If you aren't, then find something else to do with your time that you'll enjoy.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread