Please donate to help out John Altobelli's, the baseball coach who died in the helicopter crash with Kobe, two kids. They lost both their parents and their little sister in the horrific crash.

With all the money he made from his NBA playing career and endorsements, most sources I've looked at give Kobe's net worth somewhere in the $600 million range.

So, yeah, I feel like everyone is focussing on Kobe since he was the most famous person aboard the helicopter. But there were still 7 other passengers who died in that crash not in the Bryant family. And I doubt they have the kind of financial assets that Kobe had.

Of course, this is not to minimize Kobe's death, since the Bryant family needs emotional support. Kobe's wife will have to bury her husband and daughter on the same day. Two of Kobe's daughters (the 3-year old and the 7-month old) will have to grow up without ever getting to know their father or sister.

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