Please God help me

Perception falls on an object and creates an impression in one of four ways:

1.) Either things are, and appear to be. 2.) or they are not, and do not appear to be. 3.) or else, they are, and appear not to be. 4.) or are not, and appear to be.

It’s the long way of saying “there is no spoon”. Or some version of “we are what we repeatedly do” or “you are what you eat” (physically eat and/or metaphorically consume).

Find whatever it is that drags you to these dark places and avoid those behaviors/triggers. And if you ever find yourself in these dark places, always remember that even in seemingly complete darkness, there is light and finding it will only bring more light into your darkness. The yin and Yang is a great symbol to remind you to embrace this chaotic balance and navigate through the many ups and downs of life.

/r/awakened Thread