Please help - My motivation keeps faltering

Thanks. My primary longer-term goal is to look and feel better. E.g. slightly bigger muscles (Don't need to be big at all, warrior type body), and having more energy/feeling stronger.

Short term I'd like to be able to do at least several pullups. I haven't trained for those ever. Although I'm not terribly bad at push exercises, I can't do a single pullup. During the RR I've only done negatives and rows, and didn't feel a lot of progress, which demotivated me. Perhaps it was because I was also eating at a calorie deficit? Or I've been expecting too much.

The RR seems good indeed; if I do all the exercises it'll take me about an hour, give or take some depending on my energy (sometimes have to take longer breaks). As for changing it up, I don't have the knowledge to, and most often see comments advising not to change the RR. When it comes to the workout being boring, I don't think that'll change for me. I guess having some music playing is my best option there.

Thanks for taking the time to give an actual answer instead of telling me what a bitch I am - apparently that attitude is more prevalent here as well (even though I expected better from these people).

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