Please help an INTJ female with her very confusing ENTP male.


You mentioned before that it's not a good idea to procrastinate on this. Since space has been activated, after that overwhelming call, should I just leave him to work through his feelings and then come back on his own initiative to see where things stand? He wants a whole month! You said give it time... but I feel he is the exact same way as me emotionally, in that we can get so emotionally involved and it feels amazing, but the rational part of us thrusts us back out of that, and then we are cold robots again. I hate that; I don't want us to forget how we feel! When I think of what works on me, it's when typically feelers remind me of what I feel for them, and remind me that it's nice to be in that head space, and my feelings matter. Would that work on an ENTP? Part of me feels like I should text him to at least confirm where we stand (I hung up on him after he said the call was too intense, so not exactly the best parting gesture), but I am tired of this now... but it's that very feeling that I'm afraid of, because it means I am cutting my feelings off...

Then again, we are in love, so the time we spend apart should theoretically make no difference to how we really feel and behave - we will always fall back into our emotions. That's why I want us to commit to each other (wow, I actually said that...?). I just...don't know what he wants! He was the one who started all of this dialogue, so it's obviously important to him. He kept asking me before what it is that I want, and I said "I want you, but I'm not going to convince you, I don't throw myself onto people - ever." Then he said, "This is crazy". From the last call, it seemed like he wanted me to push him to be with me, but I could be wrong. At first, he was like, "Ok, so let's just stop all of this. We're just friends right? We can be cute every now and then, we can be horny every day and then, we can talk every now and then. agree?" He went from saying we need to stop all of it, to then saying we should continue on and see where we go, but not talk quite as much. What the hell is this? Is he trying to gauge how much I actually want him, or is he trying to be polite in friendzoning me? Is it a manipulative tactic of "I'm threatening to end all of this, so you better try to secure me"??? and how should I respond to that? When I asked him in a text, "Let's be clear, are you friendzoning me?" He paused and said, "Man... this is intense." and that was it. I cannot tell.

Should I just ask him outright to be with me, or would that freak him out? I feel like there is nothing I can do at this point to bring him back to those emotions. Hell, I wouldn't even know how.

I can't deal with head games. I think I need to just move on, tbh, I can't deal with this nonsense. [head explodes]

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