Please Help Me Draw A Line

To figure out which religion is more likely to be true, you must realize that the more faith a religion requires of you, the less likely it is to be true. Take for example having faith that it's going to rain tomorrow because the weather forecast said it would. This requires less faith than believing in a religion where Gods exist. Why? Because weather forecasts are based on more truth than the belief that a God exists.

Though the religion I believe in explains Gods exist it requires less faith than other religions (that I know of) do because it's based on the faith that a flawless good exists and then the explanation of how that flawless good exists is done through logic and reasoning which can be changed if errors are pointed out. If a flawless good is proven to be false then my religion would be proven as false, but because it's just that 1 thing it's far more likely to be true then other religions which claim the same along with many other things which require faith, not understanding like the logic and reasoning based on faith are in my religion.

If you're curious about my religion here is a post I made explaining it:

/r/PhilosophyofReligion Thread