Please help me Reddit. What would you do? *Crisis situation, University of Manchester student.*

I appreciate the gesture, but I don't care anymore. I need help. They've caused so much hurt, and they never apologize for the things they say. My mental and physical health is fine now, I've studied for a year on top of this, and it's not going to waste. I've been living in halls for a year and the only emotional damage is not being on my course. I need to look after myself, but only my student finance can get me off the ground right now. I can't get home. I can't wash my clothes. I can't buy food.

They say you can always study when you're older, but it's been a long road getting here. I don't believe we give up our rights when we're under duress. I don't want to do a placement or an apprenticeship. I worked in the past and completed my apprenticeship at 18. I came to university for the purpose of getting an undergraduate degree. I never came for the jolly up.

/r/UniUK Thread Parent