Please help me make up my mind on medication.

Do I have to chose between being an underachiever or taking medication

Yes you gotta choose. Once you connect the dots in your mind, that hey, without this medication, i really seriously can't get this stuff i wanna do done.......Then you have to consider

well do i want to take it forever? If you dont mind that, then ok

If you do kinda mind that, then you have to devise a plan to figure out how you can do that..

For me, the answer is to start my own business, or businesses. So that I can sit back, reap the rewards/benefits of being the boss, hire people, delegate out tasks that i just cant be bothered to do, and oversee those people

Once I get in this position, i will not need medication. I advise anyone else to do the same. Unless you're one of those people that can't do basic things in life without medication, then yea I guess if you hire people and all that, who you gonna hire to remember your keys? blah blah, so i dont know. but provided you can function on a basic level without medication, you'll be happy to have other people doing bullshit you dont wanna do.. And they'll be happy to do it, since they will be employed, are getting paid and treated well

You can try to get better without medicating, but adhd is a spectrum unless you're on the really low end of the spectrum where you can simply "change your behaviors" and then all is well, then fantastic.....but most of us find that this is not enough, you need medication. so you gotta figure it out if you need medication. Can you execute, can you stay on task, sustaining your ability to stayon task for weeks, months, etc.. if so, then consider yourself lucky. Otherwise you will need medication

No medication does not change who you are as a person. I take adderall, 2 months so far. I'm the same. The only difference is, I no longer care as much about watching tv and movies and doing dumb shit. Probably because I decided a long time ago (before meds) that it was all hugely detrimental in that the more time i waste on that, the less likely ill ever start a biz or do anything

most likely cause thats all i did. watch tv, movies, play games, do dumb shit, never actually put down my plans to start a biz. If I had started medication 4 years ago, oh man, id be ballin outta control right now. But nope. Im just now starting. SO I havve to deal with the reality of that things dont come over night, that you gotta put in work, day in, day out, for you to finally have a biz and be successful. Can't put in that work if you cant execute or stay on task, hence the medication im taking

If your psychologist doesnt want to refer you to a doctor becuase she thinks your high functioning, get a different psychologist

Thats kind of another lame way of saying I dont think you have adhd, you're too high functioning. So I dont understand the diagnosis then, or she must think you're on the low end of the spectrum..

/r/ADHD Thread