Please Help Save the RoaringCamp Beach Train

If you lived walking distance to the rail and your work is walking distance from the rail that is absolutely atypical. I’m sure there’s a few people where that make sense but look at the rail line on the map. It’s so far from where anyone lives in the south county which is where most of the commute problems on hwy 1 come from. From Watsonville basically until 41st, the track hugs the coast line where there aren’t many businesses or hubs of people living.

For most people they’d drive to their train stop, park ( and pay to park ), take a train ride that would be a longer duration than their commute, then get off and still have figure out how to get to their workplace.

I know the NIMBYs in this town have fucked everything but this ain’t it. Could you imagine how amazing a bike ride along the coast on a day like this would be? It would the coolest thing in Santa Cruz

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