Please let DDK and James cast the finals

Jesus this sub can be so toxic...

Calling someone annoying is toxic. TIL.

for no fucking reason at all other than him repeating some phrases

His job is to talk and be interesting. If he's not doing it well, people complain. Repeating phrases gets annoying, therefore people are complaining.

He really should rethink is whole career path upon receiving such disapproval from a sub that should fucking support him

I really don't get this point. Wouldn't it be beating a dead horse? What's the point in encouraging someone to do something you don't want to hear? This sub contains many strong CS fans. Semmler reads this sub and if anything he should take note of what the fans like hearing and don't like hearing. People shouldn't just pretend they like something because that's the way its always been.

Personally I have huge respect for what semmler has done for the scene, and I'm not tired of him, but I do think its true that he can be annoying/repetitive. But it isn't fair to say that semmler shouldn't be criticised when his casting gets annoying, just because of his background in the scene.

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