please take a look at my resume and tell me what your impression is and general career advice

I have been currently mainly applying to Security Analyst, SOC, Pentesting, and Linux admin positions for the most part.

You need different resumes for each role. Your resume is too generalized and makes you appear too unqualified. Take pentesting as an example. You simply list Penetration Testing as a skill.

My own junior resume that I landed my first job with had four different lines. I detailed my AD pentesting, web app pentesting, and exploit dev skills. I clearly communicated that I knew various attack methodologies. Similarly, my senior resume has eight lines detailing out my various pentesting skills.

I have my OSCP too. I know you have way more in-depth skills than what you're presenting on your resume. Off the top of my head I remember exploiting LFI/RFI, PHP/C#/Java backend code injection, SQL injection, SMB null sessions, cron jobs, and bad %PATH% variables on the PWK labs. Hopefully you can see how all of those makes a significantly stronger case for you than simply listing Penetration Testing.

The same applies for all the roles you listed as well. The core skills across those roles are very different. You'll need to personalize your resume for each role while clearly showing the depth of your technical expertise.

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