Please do not post reviews of vendors who are not verified

I don't see how doxing a user like me would matter, maybe a mod or something

But what would be the whole point in doxing to put my face and address out there? I mean all of this info is already public and if I was trying to hid it I wouldn't have a Facebook twitter etc.

I'm just using my self as an example. Most of the time people dox they usually get the wrong info anyways. I get a lot of freebie ids. Never used my real info and never shipped to my real address. For this exact reason. And your acting like just because they are unverified they have a higher chance of doxing someone. So say for example what's stopping a verified vendor from doxing someone? Nothing

Also i like the whole idea of vendors who are waiting to get verified sends out a few ids(2-3). Now it does get annoying and stupid when they send out 20-30. it shows the sub what they could offer if they do get verified. Not everything has to be behind the scenes. Now like I said I do get a lot of freebies(not bragging) but I've delt with people who make a complete shit id and with people who have potential.

If u take anything out of this. Take this, i get it that sometimes unverified vendors send out 20 ids for reviews. That's annoying and excessive, but I also like the id of vendors sending out 1-2 to users to review. This gives them the chance to fix any fuck ups they have before they get the "verification process". Feedback from 20-40 people is way better than 2-3.

/r/fakeid Thread