Please, share

ok, this is something that's happening in-community and I don't know how to address it, because I don't want to diminish the fact that things are really, really serious right now and things are straight-up dangerous, but I've been seeing people talk about a flurry of bill and reacting with a sort of panic.

But I think there's a huge information gap here. What's the bill? Who is proposing it? What's the language of the bill? What part of the process is it in, has it been put to a vote yet or is floating through committees?

All of these laws are publicity stunts with serious consequences, but some have more serious chances of passing than others.

And, more importantly, where do we have leverage and who do we talk to?

Because the "Text" of this meme doesn't really provide that, and I think the impact of the community is to provide reason to panic without any release and - this might be a contrarian viewpoint - I think that's an incredibly harmful practice to our community and we need to do a better job in addressing it.

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