Please treat black Bernie Sanders supporters like people and not votes

Actually I think that black people would just like a little more emphasis and more time spent talking about racial justice and police brutality from Bernie.

Lately I have heard a bit more but I believe that Bernie needs to ramp it up and give these issues equal time to Sanders' 1% billionaires/wallstreet talking points.

I am not talking about supporters talking to other individuals. I'm talking about Bernie's impact and message during his rallies.

When Bernie was in Birmingham on MLK day and used air quotes to say;

"Let us not forget what Dr King was doing in Memphis TN that day he was assassinated, he was not down there just to do a quote unquote 'civil rights demonstration' (Sanders does the air quotes), he was there to stand with the low paid garbage collectors"


I had made sure that my extended family were watching because I was so excited that he was doing the rally on MLK day in Birmingham.

My relatives who are not especially political were so offended by his air quotes- diminishing the importance of just doing a "civil rights demonstration" that I doubt they will come around to support Sanders.

I have hope that I might convince them yet, but I need Sanders help in this.

To white ears these things may sound trivial and of course they are taken out of the larger context of Bernie's message, a platform that is unarguably for racial justice and the most pro-minority message of any candidate.

But black people are more sensitive to slights from what might sound like an out of touch old white guy.

Tonight at the debate Bernie was talking about Flint and his overall point was exactly right, but he said; "Flint is disproportionately black and latino"

I know it was slip of the tongue. But to blacks and latinos it is an offensive slip and one that Bernie cannot afford.

Maybe only a black or latino person would feel bothered by this but I wish more of Bernie white supporters would recognize that the minority voters are key to Sanders success and more must be done to cultivate a message that will sway them.

/r/SandersForPresident Thread