Please make this go viral. I am begging you. Police and National Guard patrolling neighborhood and shooting civilians on their own property. Make America see this, I beg you. [Minneapolis]

Ok.. how many officers have unlawfully killed someone in the past 3 decades? Now what percentage is that of the entire police force in the past 3 decades? I bet it’s tiny, less than 0.1%.

You will get bad apples in all walks of life. Let’s not forget they are simply ordinary people doing an incredibly stressful and dangerous job (especially in America). People fuck up. The officer in question has already been charged with murder.

To take that and apply it to the entire police force, but more importantly, for everyday people to make their jobs even more difficult and even more stressful at a time like this is a recipe for disaster.

Let’s be clear, things definitely need to change. But trying to achieve that by rioting, destroying private property but also flat out ignoring police officers multiple times in a stressful environment and then filming the whole situation to ‘show how bad cops are’ is not the best way of changing things.

It riles people up who then rile the police up and it just exacerbates the problem.

Having said all of that, I’m definitely not a fan of the way the police operate in America. The way they escalate situations by screaming and shouting and pulling out their guns straight away is not the best way of policing imo. It can turn a fairly innocuous situation into a gunfight quite rapidly.

I guess what I’m saying is everybody calm the fuck down. It would be a lot easier to do that if nobody had guns.

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