Please give winged heroes the coise to fly instead of mounting

I really didnt know Pitlords existed in the real world, thank you for that information. Can you tell me me more about where they live?

Those fantasy characters live in a world that has physics and many other things based on the real world, only because fantasy creatures and magics exist does not mean that everything is possible for those creatures and we can throw logic out of the window for everything they do.

I was just trying to tell you in a nicer manner that your train of thought is flawed, because you seem to think that the perfectly logical design decision

Seems really stupid.

Even if your logic of "its a fantasy creature and not the real world" made sense in the first place, there are examples of flightless beings with wings in that specific universe. Some of which are also based on the real world.

You only managed to make yourself

Seem really stupid.

PS: And i am not stating whether for example Nathrezim can or can not fly, we havent seen them flying in 16 years of being present in the gaming universe of warcraft, so they might or might not be able to fly. All im saying is that paraphrased "it has wings, it flies" is a really dumb statement.

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