[PLOT] No tip-toeing around or ignoring canon!

I'm a gay male, who also falls under the LGBT banner. I'm someone who's had experiences both directly and from people within our community. Just because your experiences as a bisexual female differ from mine doesn't immediately disenfranchise mine and like wise, mine don't disenfranchise yours. If you would like to, we can have a civil conversation but you've showing that more and more from response thrown around this thread, that's not going to be the case.

Fluid Sexuality, as a theory, DOES NOT DISCOUNT people's whose sexuality remains static through out their lives. I personally have known that I've been attracted to men since I was about 7, and discounted the potential for bisexual attraction early on.

However, there are those whose experiences don't line up with such. There are people who find that they were attracted to the same gender later in life, and that they've been repressing it due to circumstances for most of their life. There are people who find that they've been attracted to men for most of their lives, and suddenly find women attractive, and no longer find men attractive (could be through circumstances, sure we can look at the socio-cultural background of such, but that doesn't invalidate their sexual identity). Sexuality is an extremely varied experience and it's worth considering that not everyone's experiences are going to be the same. Now, in order to actually research such, most often, people search for ways to categorize things, which have its pros/cons. The idea of Fluid Sexuality arose because it's a way to be inclusive of everyone's experiences, both people who experience changes in their attraction as well as people who don't.

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