PMS, ? somatic PTSD, ACoN = ACoA, help.

This happens to me too, and it's frightening. I've been up for five hours reading these subs, other articles, my mind racing. My shame trigger is often tripped in some way during this time (I'm pms'ing hard right now), and I feel a deep self-loathing. Even when I know logically it's connected to my period, I can't stop it. I have to tell myself to refrain from sending emails that are non-urgent b/c I'm so afraid of coming off as crazy or burning bridges.

I'm feeling a huge urge to quit therapy and deep dive into EDMR b/c I'm frustrated at the slow pace and the kind of emphasis on resiliency vs. actual trauma processing my therapist has been focused on for the past six months.

Just to say that you're not alone in this. It's real and it's frightening.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread