POC are literally incapable of causing harm willingly, with agency. It's all traced back to slavery...

Ah yes, the old "when a black person attacks an Asian person it's actually white supremacy".

Reminds me of Catherine MacKinnon basically saying "all sex is a rape of women by men, including homosexual sex and lesbian sex"


Nor is homosexuality without stake in this gendered sexual system. Putting to one side the obviously gendered content of expressly adopted roles, clothing, and sexual mimicry, to the extent the gender of a sexual object is crucial to arousal, the structure of social power that stands behind and defines gender is hardly irrelevant, even if it is rearranged.


Some have argued that lesbian sexuality-meaning here simply women having sex with women not men-solves the problem of gender by eliminating men from women's voluntary sexual encounters. Yet women's sexuality remains constructed under conditions of male supremacy; women remain socially defined as women in relation to men; the definition of women as men's inferiors remains sexual even if not heterosexual, whether men are present at the time or not.

/r/TumblrInAction Thread Link - i.redd.it