Pochven's Current Issues and Future Concerns - an Analysis

Structures are temporary and short term contents. Without given something for the Edencom side to engage in pochven, there won’t be the traditional 2 sides of the conflict. Like currently there is very little benefit to have high Edencom standings, which basically lock you out of the NPC station service. You would hope pochven will be an experiment for the faction warfare revamp. But there is no mechanics for Edencom players to push the system back like during the invasion ch 3, obviously it is better to have something else to push back and forth with much lower stake. Just for now, Edencom aligned players are mainly to contest the trig owned structures, this content is one time only and won’t last very long. Also CCP kinda messed up with drifter and drone NPCs, so you can be both positive to trig and Edencom, which further diminish the possibility to have any rivalry between Triglavian and Edencom. Maybe Edencom is a thing of the past and is dispensable in the eyes of CCP. At least trig players still have the station access to pochven, Edencom side has absolutely nothing. Can’t think of any benefit to have a high positive Edencom standings currently. Like CCP still hasn’t given Edencom players anything since last year, instead, CCP now screw over the Triglavian players this time. It is ironic now both sides are dissatisfied at CCP. Remember when CCP told us to pick a side wisely because it will have consequences? It turns out the min max is to do nothing during the invasion and just shoot drifters and drones in pochven.

/r/Eve Thread