Pokémon Go Cheating

Mass emailed 30 video game journalists with two paragraphs of text. In the email I basically asked them to look into the Twitch aspect of their Pokemon Go cheating stories they already wrote articles on. They might want to focus on the fact that a billion dollar company (Amazon) is helping cheaters screw over Nintendo another billion dollar company. By reporting on the story and contacting Nintendo's PR team they might get Twitch's ability to stream the game pulled. I did not contact Nintendo's PR just the reporters.

I only emailed reporters who already covered Pokemon Go cheating at least once so I would know for a fact they would be more interested then any Joe Schmo reporter.

The ones who emailed me back seemed to love the idea of putting Amazon/Nintendo up against each other. It also helped that I sent a few of them video clips of the cheaters openly bragging about how much money they made selling the accounts online by telling people "I don't need your donations but they would be nice because of how many accounts I have sold."

Less then a day later Twitch changes its policy of ignoring them.

/r/Twitch Thread