Pokemon go dead?

All these posts about how the game isn't fun anymore, how Niantic has failed to improve the game, how this is wrong and that is bad, and how players are quitting left and right because they don't like the game the way it is... this will become a self-fulfilling prophesy. People like to create negativity and controversy. The constant negativity only serves to convince more and more players that the game is not worth playing anymore, and that Niantic has let us down because they haven't listened to us and made the changes we want them to make.

I still play everyday. And while I agree there is room for improvement, we need to remember this is a free game. Sure, you can buy items in the store, but you don't need to. And Niantic has their own vision for the game, which may or may not coincide with yours. Niantic doesn't owe us anything. They can make the game be whatever they want it to be. The only thing we can do is play or not play. The eroding player base will speak for itself.

Please, people, if you don't like the game anymore, just stop playing and leave this sub.

/r/pokemongo Thread