Pokemon Rant

I don't own that much merch, but I'm also a fan and consumer since the first gen released here in 1999. With this gen I'm done. GameFreak made it clear that their new course is absolute bare minimum effort with fractured monetization to maximize profit. People on here generally don't like to hear it, but it's the exact same thing like Bethesda, EA, Bioware, Blizzard, 2k and many started to do over the last decade.

But I honestly thing it's too late already, the series is "lost". The sheer amount of people willingly ignoring all the issues, saying that it's "JuSt YoUrE oPiNiOn" while simultaneously praising the game for nothing and blindly buying into corporate greed only shows GameFreak that they can continue with all those tactics from here on out.

Just let this sink in, GameFreak has publicly lied to each and every single consumer of their games multiple times. And now Sw/Sh are breaking sales records.

/r/pokemon Thread