Police say criminals like Apple iPhones because of encryption

Mass killing by other methods like bombing is far less common than mass shooting, and other methods are not significantly more prevelant in countries with strict gun control.

These attacks are most often commited by unstable people and not the result of some coherent planning process but rather just desperately turning to easy violence.

A family member of mine was only 30ft away from the 2014 Isla Vista killing and it's insane how that doesn't even stand out in my memory; These are public tragedies of the highest order and they are routine, and they could be prevented. But people don't like what it would take to prevent them so we move on like this is a necessary sacrifice.

Imagine losing someone in the Isla Vista killings, then finding out that the perpetrator already had a history of mental instability that was legally excluded from the background check process. And that even when his parents called the police to warn them about their son's mental decline and their concern that he was going to hurt someone there is no system by which that warning can raise a flag about his gun ownership.

But we can't have common sense measures like centralized electronic gun registration or psychological evaluations or active intervention procedures removing guns from violent or threatening people's posession.

His parents called the police to warn them but their hands are tied by your bullshit. People are dying because you won't give up your juvenile power fantasy about rising up in armed rebellion against a government that is out to get you because that fantasy and the power fantasy of the gun itself is the only way you can overcome your feelings of physical, political and societal impotence.

/r/apple Thread Parent Link - newssuno.com