Police Harrassment!

Well yeah. They're out there acting like it's ok to be black in public or something. /s

I have had the cops show up three times now whenever my black friend comes by. He bought a set of snow tires on day and the cops showed up the very next day saying they got reports of some shady deal. Loading tires into the back of a minivan is apparently a "shady" activity. The next time he stopped by to borrow a floor jack the SAME fucking thing happened. When I asked the police why they always showed up after a black person is in the neighborhood. The thing is my neighbor is a police officer and it's pretty obvious it was him making the "complaints" considering he showed up on the second complaint in his personal vehicle. The third time his CO showed up and I explained what was going on. I was so frustrated I showed him the messages on LetGo app and the dates corresponded with the messages. I asked him what facebook would think of the situation and he immediately said "Oh it must have been some mistake or something. Have a nice day."

It made me feel so bad for my buddy. He gets harassed when he picks up his daughters from school and even at his own job. Some of the stories he told me broke my heart. On of his daughters is adopted (the mother killed herself last year) so she's white and some lady called the police saying he kidnapped a child. They even kicked in his door without even knocking first or anything. It scared his children and he ended up hurting himself when he tripped running to his kids in the next room. This happened very recently. He's such a hardworking fantastic father and one of the best people I know. He only deserves the best but instead he's treated like scum for having extra pigment.

/r/AmIFreeToGo Thread Link - youtube.com