A police officer demonstrate the differences between fully automatic, semi-automatic, hunting and assault rifles.(2011) Good video to watch regardless of your opinion.

On behalf of intelligent Americans who aren't completely apathetic to the suffering of our fellow citizens, I would like to apologize for our ignorant, paranoid gun-toters. We don't spend much on mental health care in this country, which leads to unhealthy obsessions with weapons. I'll gladly take the downvotes to let you know that many of us have zero respect for these crazies and would see them in straight-jackets. Allowing ANY gun related deaths, even a single one, simply to spread a sick "hobby" is absolutely disgusting. If there is a hell, every gun owner belongs there. Unfortunately, like religion in this country, old habits die hard. Fortunately, soon enough we'll have the technology to send artificially intelligent robots to confiscate the guns. There will be no need for police or military lives to be jeopardized.

They can scream second amendment rights all they want. The rest of us could care less whether it's written out. They'll never see it coming. Mark my words, after Trump, provided he even makes it through an entire term without being impeached or lynched by an angry mob, there will never be another Republican controlled government here in the US. The groundwork of a progressive system is already being laid. Hillary won the popular vote, and that was with a ridiculously low turnout. Next time is going to be so satisfyingly sweet.

Enjoy your anarchy while you can, hicks. Resist and you will be put down by the swift, progressive hand of justice. Fuck your gun rights. We are coming for them like you've always wanted. Very soon.

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