Police Officer Punches Female In The Face After She Slapped Him

No, not even close dude. Don’t exaggerate.

The guy in the parking lot wasn’t retaliating to physical assault. He started the physical assault by pushing the shooter. The man who shot him was just telling him to move his car, not slapping/pushing/shoving etcetera. I’m not siding with the shooter- clearly it was an overreaction and was found to be illegal, but he did not start the physical part of the altercation.

If anything, what the parking lot incident teaches us is to never use violence against a stranger because you have no fucking idea how they will react (whether legally or not).

And if you’re doubting that, ask yourself this: Are you willing to take a bullet just to park in a spot illegally? Because that’s essentially what happened.

/r/JusticeServed Thread Parent Link - gfycat.com