Polish Towns That Declared Themselves ‘L.G.B.T. Free’ Are Denied E.U. Funds

I was raised in a first-generation Polish immigrant household in Canada, and let me tell you, the victim complex is real.

When it's not the gays, it's the Germans trying to take over Poland through EU politicking, or the Americans trying to sell Poland off to Russia (unless it's a GOP president), or G7 altogether scheming to just exploit Poland, specifically, as much as possible.

You might ask, "what about the EU Council president Donald Tusk, who's in fact a Polish politician literally heading one of the EU's highest governing bodies?" Well, he's obviously a Franco-German puppet who's now out to sell Poland out for personal or ideological gain, probably to support Russia and the gays, cause obviously. Doesn't help that he was a founding member of the left-ish wing PO party in Poland back in the day.

I could go on, but between immediate family and friends of the family both in and out of Poland, it seems like this kind of victim complex plus living in constant fear is pretty prevalent.

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