Political Ads on Youtube with Indeterminate Motives and Untraceable Sponsors

Was there much conversation in the first link (post made 2 days ago)? I'm on mobile and can't see it (if that's why - it's a removeddit link and those never show anything for me).

I have made a point not to be alarmist out loud or in my own mind, but with groups wanting to start a "civil war"since before this election, and all the crap Trump's been spouting since, I can't help but wonder why nothing has happened and if something will. Maybe it was just the childish fantasies of over-testosteroned children like I suspected. How would they plan anything publicly without everyone else seeing it? You know CNN would go on a screeching rampage if there was a whiff of organizing going on in that vein. So anything pubic and cryptic like this just gets me a little paranoid.

/r/InternetMysteries Thread