This Politicized Environment That We Live In Sucks and I Just Want To Be Able To Laugh Again

Sure, but he was also a civilian and you said BLM was only focusing on deaths caused by police and not by white people so I don’t see how your point holds? Here you go. It isn’t the exact reference I’ve seen before but i found it in a few seconds and it plainly states that of the known hate crime offenders 24% were black despite making up 13% of the population and 53% were white despite making up like 70% of the population. So yes, adjusted for population size black people commit more hate crimes than white people. And this also tells us that white people are committing hate crimes at a rate less than their share of the population while black people commit them at a roughly double rate compared to their share of the population.

You’re misstating my point and you know it. The rhetoric we see around justice for Asians is nowhere near and not comparable at all to the posts we see about BLM. When was the last time people were marching down the streets demanding justice for Asians? To compare the two is a comparison made in bad faith and you know it.

And as far as I can tell you have done nowhere near as much as BLM demands white people do in order to stop these racists acts.

I have compassion for people of all races but you seem to be uncomfortable when you’re on the hot seat now.

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