Politics Mega Thread

I’m a Liberal Democrat in the USA. The American Left has a messaging problem and needs to openly denounce the word “socialism,” whatever the hell that means.

“Socialism” is a remarkable term. In American politics, the term is simultaneously (1) utterly meaningless and (2) extremely charged. It is the most important meaningless word in political science.

(I define it as the public ownership of the means of production and the abolition of privately owned profits. Anything less is social democracy. Your mileage will vary.)

Bernie calls himself a democratic socialist, but the man is no socialist at all. Up and down the platform he works within a capitalist framework. Noam Chomsky encapsulated it best: the man is a New Dealer. In other words, a strong social democrat—but a capitalist nonetheless.

Here’s the thing: very few American “socialists” actually want to end capitalism. They want national healthcare, free college, paid leave, child care, perhaps UBI, and other social services that European and Nordic countries provide for its citizens. Me too. I want Medicare for All.

But these are all services currently provided in societies where: (1) private enterprise and property and profits are allowed and celebrated, (2) private persons own the means of production, and (3) markets are robust. These are popularly understood as capitalist economies with strong safety nets and social programs.

Given all this:

^ Democrats need to openly and rhetorically embrace capitalism and denounce socialism, whatever that means.

Stop being equivocal. Define these terms outright. Have some fucking courage. Get the progressives in the party to understand that they are indeed capitalist progressives.

Democrats need to claim they are better capitalists than Republicans, who are simply pro-oligarchy and pro-Robber Baron cronyism. Elizabeth Warren should’ve doubled down on her statement that she is “capitalist to my bones.” As a practical matter, capitalism, as flawed as it is, has succeeding in lifting millions out of poverty worldwide since the end of WW2. It is the best system we know to end poverty if we utilize it and regulate it properly.

Imagine if Bernie had said he was a better capitalist than Donald Trump, who has forsaken hundreds of thousands of families and bankrupted his companies repeatedly.

Trying to save the term “socialism” is foolhardy, completely unnecessary, and a waste of time. Murder it, and get to work claiming capitalism from the Republicans.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread