Politics Mega Thread

It doesn’t take into account any of these people who may have received a felony because of possession, which ruined their lives.

I am not talking about people who can't get a job because they have a drug conviction on their record, I am talking specifically about that 'everyone in prison is there for a tiny amount of weed' notion that gets upvoted to the top of literally any thread about criminal justice/police in the US on Reddit.

I am not exaggerating, click legitimately any of them and one of, if not the top comment will almost always be something along the lines of "Hurp a durp the thirteenth amendment didn't abolish slavery, its still legal in prison, any and all minorities in prison are only there for being caught with a microscopic amount of weed so they can be enslaved by for-profit prisons derp a herp!"

Further to that end, 'for-profit' prisons house less than 8% of the US prison population, a number that is FALLING.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread Parent