Politics Mega Thread

I'm here to say that I hate politics, and talking about it is a huge pet peeve. Now before you tell me my "privilege allows" me to not care about politics, I respectfully ask that you save it. I am a disabled 32 year old suffering from a variety of physical and mental afflictions, and would trade places and bodies with ANY demographic. This is precisely why I don't care about politics. I used to be politically active, voted in the 2012, 2016 and 2020 elections passionately (and have voted for both parties). But when you're so ill that you can't get out of bed for months, when you're so ill that you only hold on because your family guilt trips you that your threshold for suffering is not up to you, this stuff becomes very inconsequential.

What triggered me today was getting it from both sides in short order. My mother and her husband are MAGA extremists. Every time I go over there, it's nonstop Fox News for the entire prime time hours from 7 to 11. My mother knows it makes me uncomfortable but will literally try to work politics into a conversation that applies to me, just to get her points in. It's very low frequency. So she came over with some food tonight and started on her schtick. She left and then I got tied up with my neighbor, who was drunk in the porch. Then I got it from the other side. "People like us are privileged. We need to be taught about history and our mistakes. I love masks and vaccines, don't you?"

Now I didn't disagree or argue, but tried to politely change the subject. She kept bringing it back and I could not get a word in edgewise. Her boyfriend pulls up, and 10 minutes later he leaves. She texts me that they got into a fight about politics.

Then I text a friend that I got it from both sides again, and he promptly gets on his liberal soapbox.

I just can't anymore. Fuck all of this. When you're pushed to the brink, when you've come face to face with your own vitality and really pondered the hereafter, you come to realize very little of this means fuck all.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread