Politics Mega Thread

Climate change activists and green activists should be viewed down by society on the same level as street corner nut jobs going on about how God's Will is going to smite the world for the onslaught of sin. According to the Green activists, the world is going to end in 1980, 1990, 2030, 2040 and so on until society, mostly the poor and working families, sacrifice what little luxury we can barely afford in electricity, heating, and now, even in meat. Why didn't the world end in a climate catastrophe in the 1980s? Well, the climate activist will claim we took action and it saved us! So I guess God hadn't smitten the world because that one innocent soul made an extra prayer, maybe a good act, to sway God's heart to spare the world from his ire? The climate on our Earth has been changing for millions of years before it was even able to sustain the first life forms to walk on its soil or swim through its waters. I guarantee you that none of the elitists and aristocrats funding these activists will cut down on heating their mansions, skipping on showers and baths or using less electricity in their offices. Yet, it is the populace that must now eat bugs to cut down 'gasses from cattle', use less heat, use less electricity, and of course, cut down whatever some entitled and mentally stinted a**hat who inherited his wealth believes 'saves' the world from a climate holocaust. Let's be honest, most of the men and women parading or pushing this cause aren't really of the poorest, working-class types. Specifically, the ones speaking at forums like the World Economic Forum. Green activists can exist, as long as they don't block traffic, continue to martyr themselves in cheap publicity stunts, and confine themselves to making sure our waters remain clean, our forests remain clean, and other natural habitats remain sustainable for natural habitats.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread