POLL - Dáil Éireann B&A / Sunday Times SF: 36% (+4) FF: 24% (+1) FG: 19% (-5) LP: 5% (nc) PBP-S: 2% (+1) SD: 2% (nc) GP: 2% (-2) AÚ: 1% (nc) I/O: 9% (+2)

If SF were at 76 seats (I don't think they'd quite get this at 36% but definitely achievable if they climb a few more points) like the hypothetical, they'd only 8 to get to a comfortable majority, which you'd get from the SDs and left and left-independents.

On PBP in government; people said the same thing about the Communists and Left Bloc in Portugal, the Radical Left in Greece, Podemos in Spain, the Romanian Socialist Party and the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia, all of whom are radical leftists consistently smeared as student politics with no interest in ever governing, and all of whom ended up in governing coalitions in recent years (usually in a supply and confidence arrangement). The idea that PBP will never get involved in government is just lazy analysis that ignores the international context, and fails to understand the significance of the recent exodus from Solidarity towards PBP.

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